Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sex on TV Increases Teen Pregnancy, Says Report

Laporan ini dicedok daripada www.time.com.
Kononnya pendedahan seks kepada remaja ialah untuk mengurangkan masalah anak luar nikah dan masalah sosial lain remaja. Tetapi yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya.

The question that has been debated by parents, psychologists and media critics for years is whether such racy content has an adverse affect on young viewers. Now researchers at the Rand Corporation say they have documented for the first time how such exposure can influence teen pregnancy rates. They found that teens exposed to the most sexual content on TV were twice as likely as teens watching less of this material to become pregnant before they reach age 20.

Previous research has revealed two major ways that this glamorized perception of sex contributes to teen pregnancy — by encouraging teens to become sexually active early in their adolescence, and by promoting inconsistent use of contraceptives.

"It's not just appointment television, now it's anytime television,' says Shifrin. "And this study was begun seven years ago, so if it were done today, [the authors] would probably find more evidence of sex on screens that affects youngsters' behaviors.'

Sumber : http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1855842,00.html

1 comment:

abdrahim kassim said...


Sex bukan perkara baru. Ianya telah wujud sejak wjudnya Adam dan Hawa.

Tuhan berikan kitab sebagai panduan anak-anak adam hidup di bumi ini.

Jangan jadikan masalah bagi perkara yang bukan masalah.